
Showing posts from February, 2019

This is what parental alienation is and what it looks like...

This is what parental alienation is and what it looks like...

4 November 2017 My Abduction Horror - eNCA TV Interview A brief insight into my story from the #Microsoft job offer to the Bulgarian abduction. The interview was with Ayanda Allie Paine of eNCA and Megan Harrington-Johnson of Schindlers Attorneys.

10 August 2018 second visit to see Nikki...

Paul Mulder  is at  Lozenets, Sofia . August 10, 2018  ·  Sofia, Bulgaria This morning I went to the Social Centre to reconfirm in person my 12:00-13:30 meeting with Nikki today. I had set up a schedule to confirm which Friday's I wou ld be in Bulgaria and provided it via my lawyers to Nikki's Mom in the hopes of fostering a constructive co-parenting environment. Never-the-less, I didn't want to leave anything to chance after the relevant confirmations were done and appeared there in person. For some reason the Social Centre phoned Nikki's mother, who informed them that Nikki is ill and he will not be attending today's meeting. When I returned at 12:00, I was informed that a doctor's letter had been received from Nikki's Mom in the past 5 minutes...... The picture is presents I was to give Nikki today. # bringnikkimulderhome   # coparenting   # co -parenting

20 July 2018 Visit with Nikki

Today I managed to see Nikki at the Social Assistance Directorate Lozenets (SSD Lozenets), Sofia, Bulgaria. Logistics have been a nightmare and I was told that the meeting is a favour to me as the court has not supplied SSD Lozenets with a protocol document after the hearing on 15 June. There has been unresolved confusion regarding whether a protocol document was required or not… I simply got on the plane and went…. Despite what was reported by the court appointed psychologist at the hearing on 15 June (“.., I am categorically of the opinion that if the child was the target of violence on the part of the father, he would have manifested fear or resentment in any manner, which was not observed during the meeting”), Nikki’s brainwashing continues…Perhaps I am naive but it is hard for me to understand this unrelenting onslaught, even though “the game is essentially up”…. Nikki sat on my lap for the 95% of the time, I got a whole lot of cuddles, a kiss, a hug and was told “You a...

19 Months since Nikki's abduction

9 February 2019 marked 19 months since Nikki's abduction. Delays on the journey to protecting Nikki's best interests were not unforeseen but unfortunate.....100% alienation is still in effect by his mother and I currently have no contact at all with Nikki. In the past 19 months the sum on any contact does not exceed 2 hours over 1 court ordered interaction for a psychologist to evaluate how we related to each another (…/additional-conclusion- t… ), 1 supervised visit, and two visits where on seeing me, Nikki's mother lead him off down the road (preventing any interaction), two other visit were met with sick notes....…/what-causes-attachment-base…/ # bringnikkimulderhome   # parentalalienation   # parentalabduction # childabduction   # childabuse   # narcissisticabuse   # stockholmsyndrome # brainwashing   # IPCA # coparenting   # thehagueconvention

Case video of Nikki's matter and knowing one's rights...

Jennifer Stoler from Schindlers Attorneys speaking with Justin Cohen at the Building Successful Relationships seminar with Robin Banks at the Killarney Country Club on Saturday, 9 February 2019. The video is in 2 parts at the following links: Part 2: #bringnikkimulderhome #parentalalienation #parentalabduction #childabduction #childabuse #narcissisticabuse #stockholmsyndrome #brainwashing #IPCA #coparenting #thehagueconvention

Happy Birthday Nikki: 5 Years Old

Sunday, 3 February 2019 ·   Happy Birthday Nikki, we all love you and miss you! I hope that the presents and messages in the package specially for you, reach you unopened and are read to you or maybe I should just hope the presents are given to you. I've kept copies of the messages and one day, I hope we can speak about them so that you know how much we miss you. Everybody here wishes we could be with you, hug you, see you, speak to you or just know that you are all right.......Granny baked you a nice c hocolate cake and says she's very sorry about the icing, but in her usual gung ho style she tried an experiment with the mixture.....and it flopped! The message on the cake reads "Happy Birthday Nikki 5". I said on your last Birthday it would be the last one without you....but I have failed you, and I am sorry and disappointed for everyone who had such high hopes that things would be better for you than they are today....I won't stop ...