4 Years and 2 Months

Thursday, 9 September 2021 marks 4 years and 2 month since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki and receive no news of his well being and my attempts to contact him are rejected by his mother and her immediate family. Parental Alienation is child abuse. August and early September saw me kicking off two new initiatives related to my struggle to reestablish my relationship with Nikki...I'm hoping that in my coming posts I'll be able to talk about my progress, but it's early days now and as with anything where you stick your neck out......the chances are high that things could implode at any given moment. But I am used to that and up for the challenge, over the course of this awful saga...picking myself up off the floor has become commonplace and nothing more than a "blip on the radar" for me. I'm proud of myself for having taking the first steps...I had to dig really deep but I found the reserves and the "Rolling St...