4 Years and 11 Months too long..

Thursday, 9 June 2022 marks 4 years and 11 months since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki, have no contact or receive no news of his wellbeing. Parental Alienation is child abuse. Looking through my diary, I was in Bulgaria again for a Hague court case. I am also emailing my business clients in South Africa asking for some leniency around project deliverables as I am battling with my personal circumstances. Fortunately and I am forever grateful, that they graciously accommodate my ever more erratic schedule due to monthly Bulgaria trips. I'm also receiving emails from "Little Kickers", a soccer club which I enrolled Nikki at....regrettably I had to inform them that Nikki wouldn't be coming back......they very kindly agree to terminate his contract without any financial penalty to his already badly cash hemorrhaging Dad. Authorisations and money to translate various legal documents and psycholist reports into English or ...