5 Years and 6 Months too long...

Monday, 9 January 2023 marks 5 years and 6 months since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki, have no contact or receive any news of his wellbeing. Parental Alienation is child abuse ( https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=8U54NF_mAck ). In January, 2019 my diary tells me that I have just received the judgement of the appeal hearing. Nikki's mother now (as she had done towards the end in SA) made an interesting choice of legal representation, and used legal council who were better known for dealing with criminal matters than family matters ( https://www.novinite.com/ articles/129203/Lawyer+to+ Appeal+Verdict+in+Bulgaria% 27s+Double+Murder+Case ) . The strategy served her but not Nikki well. If you remember from my previous postings, I had won The Hague matter which ordered Nikki's return to South Africa where the Parenting Plan ordered by the High Court of South Africa should be implemented. Below are factors which the Appeal Court in Bulgar...