21 Months since Nikki's abduction

Today marks 21 months since Nikki's abduction. 100% alienation is still enforced by his Mom and I have no contact him or receive no updates with regards to Nikki's well being or developmental milestones...The gifts which I bought Nikki in this picture have huge significance and despite the smiles, have a very sad undertone......but I'll talk about that at a later point in time....

This month saw me doing some interesting things which included participating in two parental alienation studies, one of them for a major American University. Not only was I able to contribute to the studies but they opened my (already curious) eyes to how damaging parental alienation is, not only to the child but to the families, extended families & friends of the children and parents who are affected.....parental alienation is a societal problem. There was also a lot of comfort to be drawn from participating in the studies, one of the points that stood out to me is that the child, like other people who follow this story "will know the truth".....not because of what they are told but because of human instinct.....It seems children may be better at this than adults and it might be because in the absence of life experience, they trust their own uncorrupted instinct......children see through fabrications and inconsistencies, assimilating and processing information in a manner that protects themselves. A child may not be vocal about their feelings and being very small and vulnerable, they do not challenge the status quo......but they are perceptive and "they know". Children don't need to know all the facts....."they know".

Given this understanding, it makes complete sense as to why an alienator would want to institute 100% alienation......it is the fear of providing the child an opportunity to confirm what "they already know".....



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