23 Months since Nikki's abduction...

9 June 2019,
Enclosed is a lovely picture of Nikki demonstrating to his much loved Granny (my Mom) how his Birthday present works….
Today mark 23 month since Nikki’s abduction. To date I still have no contact, news, updates or any information with regard to Nikki……he is being hidden behind an “iron curtain”.

It has now been well over a months since a formal “inter government” request for contact with Nikki was sent from the office of the Chief Family Advocate in South Africa to the Bulgarian Central Authority (for Hague Convention matters), the Bulgarian Central Authority has to date not acknowledged receipt of the request…….The recipient of the request is the same person whom is my designated representative in the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice and who appeared on television with Nikki’s mother and her lawyer, in what seemed to be a demonstration of solidarity with them. I have been perusing Bulgarian family law and it seems even Bulgaria recognises that it is in need of an overhaul, from before the abduction Nikki’s Mom’s views on parenting  appeared well aligned with the Iron Curtain ideology (the political, military, and ideological barrier erected by the Soviet Union after World War II to seal off itself and its dependent eastern and central European allies from open contact with the West and other non-communist areas)….

After some investigation, I was able to determine where Nikki is at school and reached out to the headmaster in an attempt to find any information I could about Nikki. In an email exchange he stated “as a school, we are expected to remain impartial in legal matters between parents.”, being comforted by his claims of impartiality I requested a telephonic meeting with the headmaster and access to Nikki’s school reports…..he went silent and I have not been able to achieve either of those things.

During the course of the month a fair amount has happened in terms of the authorities working on the criminal activities related to Nikki’s abduction, I try not to get bogged down in this detail but it is important to know that investigations have not disappeared down a black hole…..

Great news from the World Health Organisation came in the form of this announcement: Despite the efforts of political ideological groups to prevent it, on May 25th 2019, the World Health Organisation accepted the current version of ICD-11 which contains within it the index term parental alienation for the code QE.52 Caregiver-Child Relationship Problem. No longer misrepresented as a tool for abusive ex partners to use in divorce and separation, finally parental alienation is recognised for the mental health problem it really is.



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