25 Months since Nikki's abduction

9 August 2019: Today marks 25 months since Nikki's abduction – The struggle to just get some form of contact with him is ongoing and to date I receive no news of his wellbeing or any communication about him whatsoever. Messages from myself or my family to Nikki’s Mom or her family go unacknowledged or responded to…

Communication with the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice is ongoing but at a painfully slow pace and despite comments to them from the South African authorities to the effect of:
·         " The fact that the child ran away when he saw the father could very well be the result of parental alienation, but it seems this element was not tested by the court.”
·         “It should be noted that due to the child’s tender age, the prolonged lack of contact will occasion estrangement of the father-son relationship. The aforegoing is obviously not in the best interests of the child. Kindly assist us in speeding up the contact request, removing all obstacles that prevent meaningful contact as envisaged by article 21 of the Hague Convention referred to herein.”
·         May I very humbly request that the negotiations be prioritized on your return. Mr Mulder is becoming estranged from his young son with every day that passes and this is certainly in the best interests of the child. We will highly appreciate whatever measures you can take to afford this contact request some level of urgency.

There has been no progress in achieving contact or news of Nikki, the relevant authority at the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice is now on their annual leave.

Article (use Translate and Varna is a city in Bulgaria): “The 33-year-old Teodora Kamashikova-Mileva was sentenced by the Varna District Court for trying to illegally take her minor child across the border. The act is punishable under Article 280, para. 2 of the Penal Code. Under the agreement reached and approved in the courtroom, the defendant was sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment, the execution of which was postponed by a trial period of 3 years..”


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