25 April 2020 is Parental Alienation Awareness Day

Today, 25 April 2020 is Parental Alienation Awareness Day. To most people, Parental Alienation is a very foreign concept that is never really contemplated or understood. But to some of us Parental Alienation is all too real, we are either a damaged child used as a weapon in an act of vengeance against a targeted parent or we are the targeted parent who has been forced to witness the terrible emotional abuses that our children are being subjected to…..There is unanimity around the world that Parental Alienation is child abuse.

The subject of Parental Alienation has been widely studied and it’s causes and consequences are much better understood than they were a short few years ago…..however all the understanding in the world does not stop the damage that is being inflicted through Parental Alienation every day. Speaking to adults who as a child experienced a parent alienating another parent from them, the intensity of the anger and rejection towards the alienating parent is overwhelming. It is clear that the alienating parent’s position of supremacy  does not last and that the child becomes an adult and is able to put the pieces together, interpret the inconsistencies and see through the lies…..

It is understandable the intense sense of betrayal and anger these people feel towards the alienating parent but with the growth in knowledge surrounding the topic of Parental Alienation there may be a way forward….An alienating parent often shows either narcissistic or borderline tendencies and it is perhaps in treating the alienation parent as a patient and not a child abuser that the answer may lie.

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