3 Years Too Long

Thursday, 9 July 2020 marks 3 Years since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. I currently have zero contact with Nikki or receive news of his state of wellness, despite multiple attempts via multiple channels directed to his mother . Parental Alienation is child abuse…


XXXXXX’s situation and others like it reflect the outcome of a malicious process known as “parental alienation.” It occurs when one parent takes steps to remove the other from a child’s life. It is a deliberate effort to influence a son or daughter so that he or she comes to fear and hate the maligned parent. Put more simply, the child is “brainwashed."

One might think in XXXXXX’s case that there must have been something really wrong with him and thus more to the story. Ultimately, the mental health and custody evaluators did not find this to be true. It had taken years and tens of thousands of dollars for XXXXXX to be vindicated. No independent professional found him to be abusive or psychologically impaired. But the damage had been done.

“Parental alienation” is a “crime.” However, it is a matter dealt with not in a criminal court but in lengthy civil proceedings.

The thinking patterns that give rise to parental alienation, more often than not, result in massive emotional and financial harm to a parent and severe damage to a child who loses a parent in the process.

The alienating parent weaves a web of lies while gaining total control over a child. The boy or girl who is dependent on the alienating parent internalizes that parent’s view that the other parent is to be feared and detested. For the alienator, it is about winning and losing while employing any means to an end. Ultimately, a parent-child relationship is irrevocably harmed if not totally destroyed.



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