3 Years & 1 Month too long...

Saturday, 9 August 2020 marks 3 years and 1 month since Nikki's abduction. Today I am 100% alienated from him and receive no news of his well being and my attempts to contact him are rejected by his mother. Parental Alienation is child abuse.

International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. 

My writing today is in celebration of the women carry the tremendous social responsibility or being a mother with humility, dignity and a sense of purpose which is putting the needs of their child above their own wants. I am honoured to say, my mother is such a person and that I know of many other such women.

During the course of the this month, I dug deep and found a last remaining olive branch which I sent to Nikki's mother "on the wings of a dove".....Like all others I have offered her over the years....it was rejected...The olive branch was in the form of an international mediator I asked to contact her directly, who returned with the official statement of "Unfortunately we have been unable to progress your referral". Of course the statement is very politically correct but the whole process was very clearly explained to me prior to initiating steps around my "referral" so that if they should make such a statement I would know what the detail was.

On the 25th October 2019, and after hearing from the Bulgarian Central Authority that Nikki's Mom agreed to mediation as well as being furnished with a list of 84 Bulgarian mediators, all communication from the Bulgarian Central Authority ceased after I proposed a neutral mediator.

On the 16th December 2016 and before the abduction had taken place I had initiated a formal mediation exercise, the certificate of out come stated "After conducting intake interviews and considering the nature of the disputes and concerns raised by the parties, it was evident that according to best practice standards the matter is not suitable for mediation.

In light of this, I am terminating the mediation and the matter remains unresolved." Although politically correct, it had also been explained to me why mediation had no chance of success......but I had to try and then try again in July 2020......


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