Friday, 9 October 2020 marks 3 Years since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. I currently have zero contact with Nikki or receive news of his state of wellness, despite multiple attempts via multiple channels directed to his mother . Parental Alienation is child abuse…


“…First and foremost, we need to recognize parental alienation as a form of individual child abuse that requires a child protection response, no different than physical and sexual abuse. This may involve child removal from the abusive parent or, in most cases, family support services aimed at educating the parent about the effects and unacceptability of alienation and effecting a reunification process between the child and the targeted parent….”


“…However, the most recent research indicates that therapeutic interventions are most effective when there are strong legal sanctions for non-compliance with shared parenting orders, and there is an emerging consensus among alienation specialists that awarding primary parental responsibility to the targeted parent when parental alienation is severe is an important step in ameliorating parental alienation…”



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