3 Years and 4 months too long...

Monday, 9 November 2020 marks 3 years and 4 months since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. I currently have zero contact with Nikki or receive news of his state of wellness, despite multiple attempts via multiple channels directed to his mother. Parental Alienation is child abuse…

As always some education on the subject of Parental Alienation to create awareness (hopefully also amongst people who may have influence over Nikki’s mother) as to the damaging effects it has on the child/ren involved.

https://drcachildress.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Parental-Alienation-and-Personality-Disorder-Dynamics-Childress-2012.pdf (Parental Alienation Schematic)

“To reiterate, the child does not have a borderline personality disorder, but the family is expressing borderline processes through the mediation of the borderline personality disorder traits of the narcissistically organized parent. The borderline processes, however, are somewhat hidden from general view by the narcissistic capacity to present well in clinical interviews. The narcissistic personality presents as organized, confident, articulate, and assertive, far from the typical borderline presentation of disorganization and emotional dysregulation. The narcissistic features hide the prominent borderline dynamic, but it is the borderline dynamic of the “invalidating environment” that encourages the “symbiotic clinging” that is at the core of the alienation process”

Over the last two weeks I made a lot of entries into my journal for Nikki, mostly just talking about what I am doing and the things I see around me……when he gets to read the journal one day (which he will) there will be some insights into what I enjoy doing and what are the things in this life that have an impact on me.

I’ve also being reading Andre’ Agassi’s autobiography titled “Open” and despite all the ups and downs and interesting anecdotes one particular incident caught my attention: Agassi describes how Jeff Tarango cheated in a juniors tournament to steal victor from himself when he was 8 years old (Agassi). The incident spurred Agassi on and drove his determination to make some of the great achievements he did throughout his career…..


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