4 Years & 1 Month too long...

Monday, 9 August 2021 marks 4 years and 1 month since Nikki's abduction to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki and receive no news of his well being and my attempts to contact him are rejected by his mother. Parental Alienation is child abuse.

In South Africa, August is Women’s Month - and each year August 9th is celebrated as Women’s Day. Women's Day celebrates the strength and resilience of women and their contribution to society and country.

During the past month Nikki lost a cousin, once removed to the COVID virus. At his memorial service, my cousin's two sons spoke of their profound love and deep pain at the loss of their father...their eulogies were a harsh reminder to the profound influence a father has on the lives of his son's and the tremendous void which is left when he departs. Rest In Peace my dear cousin (and Nikki's cousin, once removed) Wayne.

Also during the past month I worked more on the book which will be "Nikki's Story". Wading through the heaps of documents and forensic reports, I was reminded of the confusion which erupted for me early on in Nikki's Mom's pregnancy when I became aware that a fertility clinic was involved, that there was an attempted cover-up by Nikki's Mom and given the variety of treatments that are available (https://medfem.co.za/fertility-treatments-and-procedures/),...the identity of the biological parents were in question.



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