4 Years and 4 months too long...

Tuesday, 9 November 2021 marks 4 years and 4 month since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki, have no contact or receive no news of his well being. Parental Alienation is child abuse.

During the month of October I participated in a number of walks hosted by the Family Life Centre (https://www.familylife.co.za/) for the promotion of mental health awareness. Mental health matters are intimately linked to Parental Alienation and the behaviours of an alienator are not easily understood by the average person.....it takes people with significant education and experience to help one make sense of the phenomenon. The Family Life Centre played an instrumental role in helping me to make sense of and deal with what was happening leading up to and after Nikki's abduction, they offer invaluabe services to families who are caught up in high conflict situations.

In the enclosed picture, Nikki is at Clamber Club with his Granny and Oupa....Nikki wasn't too interested in the classroom but rather preferred to be outside making full use of all the outdoor activities available (I guess the apple never fell too far from the tree)....


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