4 Years & 6 Months too long...

 Sunday, 9 January 2022 marks 4 years and 6 months since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki, have no contact or receive no news of his well being. Parental Alienation is child abuse.

Some notes from my diary in January 2017:
  • My lawyers received a letter from Nikki's mothers lawyers (I'll do the count but there was about the third of fourth set of lawyers Nikki's Mom was working with) which contained this statement "...my client has accepted a job offer from Microsoft requiring her to return to Bulgaria with an effective start-date of 1 February 2017, and she would never think of leaving South Africa without Nicholas."
  • I signed documents appointing a child forensic assessor to determine the best interests of the minor child (Nikki)
  • Communication was now flowing thick and fast between my and Nikki's Mom's lawyers, an advocate was also involved in my matter as I needed to defend an application for Nikki's Mom to remove Nikki from South Africa. Needless to say, money was flowing fast.....out of my pocket...money which would have been invested in Nikki's future
  • 24 January 2017: High Court appearance related to Nikki's Mom removing him from South Africa (she has previously requested to relocate to Seattle, USA with Nikki which I had also declined. I would imagine she did not get the job she applied for in Seattle as that initiative never came to fruition). 
  • I am in correspondence with Nikki's school explaining what the situation is at home, the school is dealing well with the matter and even offering advice as to how I could deal with my personal circumstances. They offer some observations, which I concur with. To this day I am grateful for their understanding and support.
  • Work for me has ground to halt and my days are filled responding to legal documents and providing forensic information to the assessor as arranging visits for the assessor to observe Nikki's interaction with both parents..... And of course spending every day with Nikki, perhaps to find some sort of silver lining.....I made every second available count (deliberate misrepresentations about this were to be made in documents presented in court proceedings)


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