4 Years and 9 months too long...

Saturday, 9 March 2022 marks 4 years and 9 months since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki, have no contact or receive no news of his well being. Parental Alienation is child abuse.

During the past month I was grateful to be a case study for training held by the South African Association of Mediators https://www.saam.org.za/ and titled "Contact Resistance and Refusal (Parental Alienation)". The objective of the session was to address three major questions related to the topic of Parental Alienation 1) How does resistance and refusal negatively impact the childrens and the parents? 2) What could be the possible underlying reasons why a child could resist or refuse to have contact with a parent? 3) How can a mediator successfully assist the families regarding this critical matter?

During "Nikki's story" I had tried formal mediation twice.....On the first occasion a certificate of "no outcome" was issued with the mediator explaining to me that our case was not fit for mediation, in layman's terms this meant that the behaviours taking place where of too complicated a nature to be resolved by dialogue between the two parties. On the second occasion, I engaged an organisation named Reunite https://www.reunite.org/mediation-overview/, their mediation team approached Nikki's Mom but she refused to engage. 

It was very difficult to relive this painful saga over again but I did it and I am glad I did it.....To round off this month's post, I want to thank Raquel for providing me the phrase which frames why I do these things.....it is because "my mess becomes the message..."



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