5 Years and 7 Months too long...

 Monday, 9 February 2023 marks 5 years and 7 months since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki, have no contact or receive any news of his wellbeing. Parental Alienation is child abuse.

In January 2023, I  was happy to be made aware of this initiative  
"Hi, my name is Lois Temel. I am a school teacher and filmmaker. Together with my co-producer, Dr Braam Ackermann (a psychiatrist), we are making a documentary on parental alienation. This is when one parent, normally during divorce and separation, turns the children against the alienated parent. In severe cases this can lead to no contact between the child and the alienated parent. Both women and men engage in alienating behaviour in equal measure and it has profound implications for the children and alienated parent involved.

We have already interviewed several parental alienation experts for this film, including Dr Amy Baker. Funds raised will be to travel to Israel in March 2023 to interview a judge and other court officials who have set up a specialist Parental Alienation court. The system has successfully brought about reunification in over 200 cases and Israel are leading the way in this area. We want to add this story to the film as a template for the way forward.

Please have a look at our video for more information and on how you can help us: https://gofund.me/19948623,

From my diary I can see that in February 2019 I am still reeling from the news that the Hague judgement has been overturned by the appeal court. Comments from people who regularly engage the legal system range from“With due respect, this judgement seems to make a mockery of the Hague convention. It implies that a parent can act illegally, alienate a child from his parent, and get away with it. What a sham!”, to the unplublishable.

I had also written to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), a declaration must be in force accepting the jurisdiction of the Court as compulsory (in application of Article 36 of the Court’s Statute), South Africa does not have such a declaration in force. And so I received a letter of regret from the ICJ. I received an affidavit from a professional whom both Nikki's Mom and I consulted stating "I believe that Ms xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx is prone to making unsubstantiated, false assertions.". On social media, one of Nikki's Mom's friends is defending her and references a video (made by Nikki's Mom) with fabricated narrated facts that was later to form the basis of Nikki's Mom's accusation that I had kicked Nikki. Nikki was then conditioned to repeat this phrase in front of a psychologist (Dr), who saw through it and wrote in her report to the court "As to this issue, Iam categorically of the opinion that if the child was the target of violence on the part of the father, he would have manifested fear or resentment in any manner, which was not observed during the meeting (between Nikki in myself for the Dr to observe our interaction)".


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