5 Years and 9 Months too long...


Sunday, 9 April 2023 (Easter Weekend) marks 5 years and 9 months since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki, have no contact or receive any news of his wellbeing. Parental Alienation is child abuse.

During April of 2019, I am in communication with the National Prosecuting Authority… serious crimes have been committed and a child’s welfare hangs in the balance. I am also having more discussions with journalists to write some articles relating to border control in SA.

During April, 2019 I have also entered into discussions with the European Court of Human rights about the application I lodged with them.

Also in my diary, the Centurion Blues Football Club where I am playing soccer at the time hold  a quiz evening to raise funds for Nikki’s plight, I could never thank my teammates especially Miguel Taylor (work organised the event) enough for this incredible support.


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