Bits and pieces of the translated appeal court judgement are trickling in...

With just over 18 months having passed since Nikki's abduction, bits and pieces of the translated appeal court judgement are trickling in: “The evidence on file provides foundation for the conclusion that until his removal to the Republic of Bulgaria – 09.07.2017, the child (Nikki) was habitually residing in the Republic of South Africa where he was born and lived with his mother. The child left the state of residence on the above date and settled in the Republic of Bulgaria , again with his mother. With view of the above, the court finds that the child (Nikki) was wrongfully retained in Bulgaria within the meaning of article 3 of the Convention. As seen from the evidence on file with regard to the law applicable in the Republic of South Africa governing the exercising of the rights of custody with regard to minor children, the law has granted the exercising of the rights of custody with regard to the child (Nikki). as at the date of his removal to Bulgaria – 09.07.2017, an...