14 Months since Nikki's abduction

Today marks 14 months since Nikki’s abduction. I thought I would provide a chronology of events that have transpired, which picks up from the last chronology I published:
2018/06/15 Judge orders I am allowed to see Nikki every Friday from 12:00-13:30 at a social centre in Sofia, Bulgaria, Nikki’s Mom may nominate an adult of her choice to be present.
2018/07/09 I am still trying to arrange the first visit since the last hearing.
2018/07/20 I meet Nikki at the social centre. Despite Nikki walking in and covering his face when he sees me before going back to his Mom, he returns to sit on my lap…opening presents and playing Minecraft on my laptop for over an hour. Nikki says I am a “cool Dad” and says to his Mom “He is no longer bad…”
2018/07/24 Bulgarian Family Court’s final ruling and order is made, it states amongst other things: “…parental abduction has taken place…” and “The court ORDERS THE RETURN OF THE CHILD,…..to the country of habitual residence – the Republic of South Africa,...”
2018/08/10 I arrive at the social centre to see Nikki, for some reason the Social Centre phone Nikki's mother, who informs them that Nikki is ill and he will not be attending today's meeting. When I returned at 12:00, I was informed that a doctor's letter had been received from Nikki's Mom in the past 5 minutes......I return to South Africa without seeing Nikki.
2018/08/23 An appeal against the family court judgement is lodged by Nikki’s Mom.
2018/08/31 Today I went to the social centre for my court ordered visit with Nikki (I had sent his mother a visitation schedule which included today). I was in the room when Nikki arrived at the door with two social centre officials, he took one look went “oh” and returned to his mother with the officials in tow. The feedback I received is that Nikki did not want to go in, the officials were unable to reason with Nikki or his mother and they walked off down the road never to return while I was there (I left after the designated visit time). I returned to South Africa after having seen Nikki for about 2 seconds.
2018/09/07 Nikki’s Mom has not paid the court fee for the appeal (an amount of about EURO 6.14 or ZAR 108.00) resulting in the legal process being halted until payment is made…..
The pain of watching how Stockholm Syndrome manifests when parental abduction and alienation is at play, provides the necessary impetus for me to double and re-double my efforts to get Nikki back to South Africa as soon as possible…Backed by the South African government and a huge team, we move forward....


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