Another failed visitation attempt to see Nikki

The photo looks very similar to the ones I posted from my previous three trips to visit Nikki in Sofia, Bulgaria.....that's because the outcome was essentially the same....
Today I went to visit Nikki at the Social Services Directorate (SSD)….On arrival I was informed that a sick note and script had been emailed to them yesterday, implying that Nikki was sick……and he would not be attending. My reception is once again hostile but the formalities are completed and I leave without seeing Nikki….
Here’s a summary of the last 4 visits: I had sent a “visitation schedule” to my lawyers for forwarding to Nikki’ Mom. Receipt by her was never acknowledge and didn’t really matter because the outcomes were as below :
1. A sick note is received 5 minutes before my arrival stating that Nikki would not attend due to a respiratory infection. I send an email to Nikki’s Mom requesting information about his state of health, no response is received.
2. Nikki arrives and looks through the door, sees me and returns to his Mom outside. They are seen by SSD officials walking down the road, never to return.
3. Nikki and his Mom come around the corner (outside the SSD), Nikki sees me and stops point at me…..His mother leans towards him and mouths something, After looking uncertain what to do Nikki returns around the corner and is followed by his mother. After a while the SSD officials go to look for them...they cannot be found.
4. On arrival today (2 days after the final appeal hearing), I was informed that a sick note and script had been emailed to the SSD yesterday, implying that Nikki is sick with a respiratory infection……he will not be attending the visit today. I send an email to Nikki’s Mom requesting an update on the status of his health and the nature of his ailment…..I await a response…
What do you think the chances are of getting a letter from Nikki’s Mom which says, “I’m so sorry Nikki is sick, I should have let you know yesterday….it is important for Nikki to bond with you. Can you try and accommodate another time before returning to South Africa?”……..


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