2nd Hearing the Palace of Justice, Sofia, Bulgaria...

We meet again...
Here I am preparing to go into the Palace of Justice for my Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction hearing today. The hearing got underway but I will need to return to Bulgaria for the next hearing in early May.
Due the nature of the (baseless, fabricated and mala fida) accusations levelled at me, I will not be allowed to see Nikki until another social worker report has been compiled (for which I will need to return to Bulgaria again) to see how Nikki interacts with me (after 9 months of abduction and no contact, I wonder how he has been programmed to think of me)?
So again I return to my accommodation disappointed but with some progress and a greater resolve to see that what is right for Nikki is done through honesty, integrity and justice.
#bringnikkimulderhome #childabduction #parentalalientation #hagueconvention#humanrights #justice


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