3rd Hearing The Palace of Justice, Sofia, Bulgaria...
Fancy seeing you here, is it already the third time?
My Hague Application matter has been postponed to mid June 2018, it may sound strange but things went according to plan. To untangle the web of deception and bring the truth and justice into the light, is no simple task.
Also the judge has ordered that I attend a session so that the psychologist (whom I met last week) and a social worker can observe how Nikki feels towards me....Nevermind the relevance of the process, I am just thrilled that I will be going to see Nikki 

The downside is that since my last hearing Nikki's Mom's statements put forward to the court confirm that he has now has a negative opinion of me, which clearly means he has been programmed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainwashing).......Does this look like a child who is petrified of me and traumatised by my presence https://youtu.be/h8jmRikCUOQ ?
So I am incredibly sad that Nikki has been hurt but it is not something that cannot be fixed.....
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