The alienation and brainwashing becomes more extreme...

The photo looks very similar to the last two I posted from my previous two trips to Bulgaria.....that's because the outcome was essentially the same....
Today I went to visit Nikki in Sofia, Bulgaria...I decided to wait outside the social centre with my interpreter as at the last visit, (when I waited inside) Nikki looked in....said "Oh" and went back to his Mom, who then left with him..........not to return.
I was speaking to my interpreter when Nikki and his Mom came around the corner. Nikki stopped and pointed at me (in a look there's Daddy kind of way), to which his Mom lowered herself and mouthed something to him,.......Nikki immediately turned and went back around the corner, followed by his Mom. After some waiting (hoping they would return) the social centre officials went to look for them, they (Nikki and his Mom) could not be found and never returned........


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