17 months since Nikki's abduction

Today marks 17 months since Nikki's abduction....
The appeal hearing is just around the corner and despite my confidence that the appeal court can do no other than
to uphold the ruling of the family court's ruling which states among other things:
“…parental abduction has taken place…” and “The court ORDERS THE RETURN OF THE CHILD,…..to the country of
habitual residence – the Republic of South Africa,...”, I reflect over the past 17 months
and it is difficult for me to come to terms with the damage that has been done to Nikki. But there are ways of dealing
with these situations and soon the healing will begin.
As usual I thought I would provide a little anthology of what has happened of over the last month:
2018/09/07 Nikki’s Mom has not paid the court fee for the appeal (an amount of about EURO 6.14 or ZAR 108.00) resulting
in the legal process being halted until payment is made…
Somewhere in between I have learned that I am wanted in Bulgaria in relation to a pre-judicial criminal proceeding as
a witness in order to be interrogated.
2018/11/19 Nikki's Mom, her lawyer and the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice official who deals with Hague Applications appear
on a TV program interview to state Nikki's Mom's case (see my post)
2018/11/28 My lawyer appears on the same TV program after requesting an opportunity to respond. Despite not understanding
Bulgarian, I am told he responds in a professional and dignified manner, although was not given enough time to cover all the issues
(see my post).
2018/12/12 Confirmed date for appeal hearing.


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