16 Months since Nikki's abduction

Today marks 16 months since Nikki's abduction....
To a large extent, I still cannot find words for the terrible events that have unfolded and my resolve to see that the right things are done to protect Nikki's best interest grows by the day. As I sit and reflect, my naivety is giving way to a far more educated view of what parental abduction entails, what the profile of the perpetrator is and what their modus aperandi are....
2018/09/07 Nikki’s Mom has not paid the court fee for the appeal (an amount of about EURO 6.14 or ZAR 108.00) resulting in the legal process being halted until payment is made…..
Somewhere in between I have learned that I am wanted in Bulgaria in relation to a pre-judicial criminal proceeding as a witness in order to be interrogated.
2018/12/12 Confirmed date for appeal hearing


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