1st Hearing at the Palace of Justice in Sofia, Bulgaria

I'm a minimalist when it comes to public detail but with all the fantastic support Nikki and I have been receiving, I think it is incumbant on me to keep everyone updated..When I appeared in the Bulgarian court on Friday, 9 March for my hearing, the other party never attended (apparently due to a procedural problem) and the case was postponed to 5 April. So my hearing never began and my request to visit Nikki could not be heard...My previous requests for contact with Nikki were also rejected and now needed to be brought before the Bulgarian court at the hearing which failed to start and was postponed...After the leaving the court on Friday, I asked my host here in Bulgaria to phone directly and request a visit with Nikki on my behalf (a humanitarian plea), but the call was met with contempt and referred back to the lawyers. #bringnikkimuderhome #childabduction #parentalalientation


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