The Hague Convention appeal hearing

Well Mr Lion, I've lost count now of the number of times you've hosted me.....The appeal hearing for my HAGUE CONVENTION ON THE CIVIL ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTION in Sofia, Bulgaria took place this morning. I am pleased to say, my conviction that: honesty, integrity and justice will prevail and that Nikki will be home soon, has been strengthened today....
A decision is not made on the day of the hearing and we still have to wait for that, but the state prosecutor recommended to the 3 judges that the first instance ruling (the Bulgarian Family Court’s final ruling and order is made, it states among other things: “…parental abduction has taken place…” and “The court ORDERS THE RETURN OF THE CHILD,… the country of habitual residence – the Republic of South Africa,...”) be upheld . Although the state prosecutor is not the judge, they oversee the court process (their role is different in Bulgaria than in South Africa)....and her recommendation says to me, that she does not accept the fabricated stories which Nikki's Mom has put in front of the various courts and sees the truth through all the deception.....


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